
So, here it goes, I am taking on the blogging world. Why, well because everybody else seems to be doing it and I hate to be left out.  I may fall flat on my arse or you just might actually like reading what I write, so here goes!

To bring you all up to speed and so that we don’t fall out from the very beginning, perhaps I should outline one or two things!

1. I’m Irish.  We curse. I curse, an awful lot.  Not in an aggressive way, as an adjective, a way of being descriptive, bringing words and situations to life!

2. My spelling will be wrong. My grammer, well, it’s been a while since I was in school.

3. I digress a lot, but I will, eventually, get back to my original point.

4. I am by no means a professional at anything but I try dam hard at doing the best that I can.

5. I see potential in the ugly and unusual. I can think outside the box. I see the finished product but also wonder how the hell I am going to get there!

6. I make mistakes, a lot. I also feel that mistakes are important and very necessary.  I learn from each mistake.  My mistakes force me to try and tackle my problem from a different angle or indeed start again, hard as that is, mistakes become rewards!

7. I’m inspired and curious by nature, shapes, reflections and colour. I take joy in being able to use discarded items, be it metal, plastic, glass or timber. Stripping, painting, melting, shaping, cursing, bleeding, smiling!

8. I have an English husband, nuff said!

9. Two boys. Euan, our first born nearly 8 and Alexander, well, Alexander, he keeps us on our toes and is nearly 3 and there will be no more! My two boys with their beautiful innocent, playful minds, ripe for fuelling with the importance of upcyclying, creating, re-creating, treasuring and valuing the important things in life, sustaining the health and longevity of their world for their health and the longevity of our gene pool, blah, blah, blah!!

So there you go.  I’m sure I shall share pearls of wisdom and whopping failures with you as I/we take this journey, together, I hope.

So, what am I up to at the moment?

Well, mentally, my mind is a buzz.  I’m in a bit of a quandary.  I live in a two up, two down terraced house. Its lovely, I love it.  Our house is over 100 years old and we have done so much work to it. It is still a work in progress with only one room left to give the TYHT (TurnYourHandTo) makeover, that being our room. (See, I’m digressing!!).

You see we have a massive king size bed in the room that you have to shimmy around. We have random storage that does not work. Different styles, not so functional, inadequate lighting, wood chip wallpaper, on the ceiling! Lino on the floor and a dodgy radiator. Its annoying me, to say the least.  I have wanted to get going on it for so long and now I can, I HAVE A PLAN!

MY PLAN, to be continued…….